Do not post pirated content or promote it in any way.Comments or posts that are disrespectful or encourage harassment of others (including witch-hunts of any kind) are not allowed. Just keep in mind if you are thinking about buying Sony ebook reader on Ebay or another vendor, you have to keep in mind the battery might not hold a full charge anymore and you can’t buy books on the device.Microsoft Community Chat Helpful resources They were really popular for their time and people are still nostalgic for them. Sony e-readers were built tremendously well, most were made of aluminum and had physical page turn buttons, in conjunction with a touchscreen. You will however, still be allowed to use Adobe Digital Editions to load in books you have purchased from other bookstores, or sideload in your own collection using Windows Explorer or the MAC file manager. If you buy an older Sony E-Reader, whether it is one of the older PRS models or maybe something even older, like the 650, you will not be able to buy ebooks on it anymore.

Kobo officially ended support for Sony e-readers at the beginning of 2019, which means you cannot access the Kobo bookstore anymore. Kobo provided firmware updates and support for the entire PRS line of readers and opened up the Kobo Store to buy new ebooks and download existing ones. They closed down the Reader Store and sold all of their customers to Kobo. Sony exited the e-reader business and the PRS-T3 was the last model they made. If you purchase one and the battery is dead, you can buy a newer battery off of Ebay.

If you are going to buy any of these models, go for the T3, you will still have a few years left before they default battery completely dies. The Sony PRS-T1 came out in 2011, the T2 came out in 2013 and the T3 hit the market in 2014. Older e-readers often have battery issues, such as not holding a proper charge or diminished battery life.

If you purchase one of these devices there are a few important things you need to know. Ebay and a number of other companies are selling the Sony PRS-T1, PRS-T2 and PRS-T3 at huge markups, but sometimes you can find one for as little as $20. There are various online retailers that are continuing to sell old Sony e-readers.